Saturday, May 3, 2014

What the heck is Internet Phone Service?

Internet Phone Service

VoIP phone will replace your traditional landline telephone with one that connects over the Internet. Today, your telephone - landline works on what is called the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN), a private network that reaches into your home through the standard copper line and phone jacks in the wall.

With VoIP - Internet Phone services, your phone connects to the Internet over your cable or DSL modem. To do this, VoIP service providers bundle a small device, called a telephony adapter, that plugs into the broadband modem and converts the electrical pulses from your phone into IP packets that move over the Internet. The way you use your telephone is the same, even though the network underneath changes.

Why would You want Internet Phone (VoIP)?

They are cheaper period!

Money!, Internet phone is cheap. An all-you-can-eat local, long distance dialing plan can cost as little as $14.95 a month. You won’t find any mainstream, traditional phone companies that meet these rates.

VoIP plans are also great for international rates. Most plans offer rates to Europe of $.03 or $.04 per minute, while calls to Canada are treated like domestic long distance calls, and are free. Finally, calls within the network–that is from one broadband phone customer to another–are free. Compare internet phone providers rates in real time! There is a better way to internet phone services.

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